Special Post for DIY Crafts

Hey guys! I'm back this week with a different kind of post for you guys! So this is an exclusive look because I never posts recipe's on this blog. But don't worry I will be back to posting crafts every week. But for this post I thought it would be fun to show you guys what I used my new baking supplies on! I posted a video down below this post on what I got for my birthday so go check it out if you haven't yet! Also if you want to see more of my recipes just visit my other blog: sweetyummygoodies.blogspot.com! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this post! Let get into this! 
Start off with gathering your ingredients: 1 cup butter,1 3/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla,4 eggs. 1 cup chocolate chips, 1 1/4 cup sour milk, 1 tsp salt, and 3 cups flour. 

Take your chocolate and butter and melt it in a sauce pan.
Mix all your ingredients together then add your butter/chocolate mixture. Then stir it all together with a whisk.
Cut out two circles of paper that fit the bottom of your pans.
Fill each pan evenly with cake batter, Then set your timer for 15 minutes. After your 15 minutes are up turn your pans around and repeat for another 15 minutes. Take out of your oven and leave to cool.
Layer and Frost your cake with a chocolate frosting. Decorate with whatever you desire. I decided to go with strawberry's and chocolates. 
And that is how you make a chocolate cake. I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Please let me know what you want to see next in the comments! Also don't forget to follow me! Have a great day and I'll see you on Monday! -BloggerGirl


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