where did the time go?

Hey readers, yep it's me. Did I disappear off this platform for almost a year? Yes, I did. About November of last year was the time I just stopped posting. November and December of 2019 were very tough months for me and I didn't have the time or energy to put effort into making a good post. January of 2020 I finally started getting my life back together. 2019 had done a number on me and felt like the worst year of my life. I had so much hope that 2020 would be my year. And for a while, it truly was, at least for the first three months. My skin was getting better, I was in great shape from basketball season, I was having fun with friends, and everything seemed to start to fit in its right place. Then COVID affected everything. March went from good to very bad in a matter of one weekend. Obviously, I have no right to complain because the...