Autumn Air

Hey you guys! It's Autumn! I'm so excited. And yes I know I'm a little late to the fall obsessed trend. You all are probably all ready for winter already! 
Also when I think of fall I think of soccer season. :)
And as you know I'm soccer-obsessed, because it is basically my favorite sport.
Another thing that excites me about fall/autumn is the cooler air. Where I live, a warm climate, our "fall"  is not freezing weather. But it does get a little chilly. 
Oh and candles! I love lighting candles and playing my favorite music on my phone.
Also, one thing I've been doing recently is listening to podcasts. 
Podcasts help me calm down and let my mind think while I might be doing other things like washing dishes or doing some needed chores around my home.
My favorite podcast right now is "Pretty Basic" by Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz. I would highly recommend listening to their podcasts. You can listen to podcasts on Itunes, Apple Podcasts, and even Spotify. I would love it if you could comment your favorite music or podcast that you listen to!
Hmmm...what is another one of my fall favorites...Oh! Hoodies!! I am obsessed with warm hoodies and jackets and feeling cozy. I get dressed more for comfort then looks, to be honest. I would much rather be comfortable than look perfect. But shout out to those girls who can look cute and comfy!
So what are your favorite things about fall/autumn?? 
These are just a few of my favorites, I have so many more. Maybe I'll even make a part two to this.
I had so much fun writing this! 
Have a wonderful day and autumn! See you next time!


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