Craft Supplies Organizer

Hey guys! Today is Monday so here is the new post! I know I haven't been posting on track lately but I'm back to posting every Monday as usual! So today's craft is another organizer! I posted a organizer kind of like this one a couple weeks ago: DIY Organizer Stand So lets get into this craft! Step 1: Gather your supplies: 2 circles of Styrofoam, 1 toilet paper roll, colored paper,and a bottle of glue. Step 2: Take your paper and glue it on to your toilet paper roll. Make sure that it is glued on tightly! Cut a indent on your Styrofoams middle. Press your roll into it. You can just glue it into place if you want to. Step 4: And your done! Now you can put your craft supplies or art supplies on it! I hope you enjoyed that craft! If you have any questions I'd love to answer them! Have a great day and I'll see you on Monday! -BloggerGirl