Things To Do In The SPRING

Hey everyone!! It's Monday! And if you have seen my THINGS TO DO IN THE FALL and THINGS TO DO IN THE WINTER posts then you would know that I post a seasonal post on things to do in that season! So it is officially Spring I thought I would do one of these kinds of posts! And honestly I didn't think that I was going to post today. But I grabbed my camera and took some pictures for this post. So lets get into it!! COLOR! I love coloring when I'm bored and just want to relax. Also a great thing about coloring in the spring is you can hang up your art afterwards and brighten up your house from winter. PAINT YOUR NAILS. So this one is for all the girls out there who like painting their nails, sometimes trying out a new color for you nail polish in the spring is a lot of fun. My favorite color of nail polish right now is this pretty reddish/maroon. (Let me know in the comments what your favorite color is!) GO FLOWER PICKING. I feel like this one ...