Study Tips

Hey you guys! So today I just wanted to share some studying tips and life hacks to help you out with exams and tests going right now before summer starts. Some of you might have already finished your exams and tests like me, so I'm so sorry I got this post up late. I was planning to post this about 2 weeks ago, but I never got around to making it. So finally here it is. I hope this will help you out a bit, so let's get into it!

-Tip #1: Okay so the first tip is to make sure that you are completely organized with your flashcards, your study books, and everything you need to study.

-Tip #2: Stay hydrated! I know this tip seems really weird but honestly when were studying we forget to drink and then we feel light headed and can't focus. So maybe bring a bottle of water (optional: add lemon to give an energy boost) to wherever your studying.

-Tip #3: DO NOT BRING snacks to where your studying. Ok, so now I bet your thinking... is she crazy?!! Honestly, it sounds crazy but just hear me out. When you have a snack on your desk and your studying, you don't really have a need to get up. You could be just sitting there for hours. But that is terrible for your legs, and how to fix that, is to keep your snacks in another room so you have to get up, move around to get them.

-Tip #4: HIGHLIGHT!! You'll thank me later for this tip, but highlighting important things in your studying is crucial to remembering things. Like during a test you could be like, "oh I remember that historical fact because I highlighted it in bright pink!".
This has saved me so many times.

-Tip #5: When studying definitions and terms, maybe try to make like a song out of it and record yourself on a phone. That way you can listen to yourself studying. And when you get to a test you can remember in your brain how the song went and Ace that exam/test.

And that it!! :) If you would like to see any more tips on studying let me know in the comments and I'll try my best to make another post about this topic.
Thanks so much for reading!


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